For the most part I'm not a big fan of guys my age who play acoustic guitar. It starts earnestly but quickly descends into the depths of cheap John Mayer (who is already mediocre) knockoffs like this God-awful travesty. A few diamonds in the penny mine are able to transcend the AE-wearin', Owl City-listenin', Adam Brody-lookin' cliché.

Sugarplum Bear posted this video on the wall of Dutchess Dragonmane and I was immediately on board with this guy. I triple dog dare you not to giggle when you watch it.
His music, like Sugarplum says, "makes my heart smile." Sure, sometimes it does start sliding into the realm of guitar-boy stereotype-land, but there's something, I don't know what, but something that keeps it genuine.
Is it that he's Michigan-born and Midwest is best?
Or that he's a freckled redhead?
I don't know. What I do know is he's talented and my auditory nerves enjoy what he does.
Jazzy Jeff's Last FM has a gaggle of his songs available for free download. And his Youtube account features a bunch of originals, covers, and collaborations including another with his precious sister that may just be cuter than Say Hello.
I'll let you find it.
Here's a hint:

LOVE. he reminds me of will stratton. that is a huge compliment.
ReplyDeleteI just need to point out this post:
There are either no girls where he lives or all of them are oblivious to his beauty.
his blog post is so precious. what a lovely young man. also thanks for the sweet alias.
ReplyDeletehe just so happens to not be michigan born. he is new york born. saratoga to be exact. but he resides in michigan.